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  • Raid Execution


Subject Media Report Summary
Name Admin Date 2022.07.11

BPS is informing you the press release concerning the raid action by SJP of Seoul Metropolitan Government.            Please refer to the below:

1.     Press Report Date

July, 7th, 2022

2.     The Media

3.     Reported Contents

Sellers who sold the counterfeit luxury products in Namdaemun and Myeong-dong areas in Seoul and golf fairs have been caught.

SJP of Seoul Metropolitan Government has booked 58 sellers who sold counterfeit goods such as luxury clothing and accessories on charges of violating the Trademark Act.

The caught sellers were found to have been selling counterfeit products through various channels such as Namdaemun and Myeong-dong areas in Seoul, golf fairs, accessory stores, and opticians.

Counterfeit products sold on Chinese Internet websites were also registered and sold on domestic websites.

A total of 2,500 counterfeit products, including famous brands' clothes, bags, and golf products, which is worth 1.75 billion won of genuine products.

The city of Seoul said that the counterfeit products sold by 49 people were seized and sent those sellers to the prosecution, and the remaining 9 people are under investigation.

Distribution, sale, and storage of counterfeit products can result in up to 7 years in prison or a fine of up to 100 million won under the Trademark Act.

Thank you for the review.
